Aus englischsprachigen evangelikalen Zeitschriften
Aus der Vielzahl beachtenswerter englischsprachiger theologischer Zeitschriften wird hier auf die Inhalte solcher Zeitschriften
hingewiesen, die im Auftrag von Organisationen herausgegeben werden, die ein dem AfeT vergleichbares Anliegen vertreten: die
Evangelical Theological Society in den USA (ETS), die Tyndale Fellowship in Großbritannien, die europäische Fellowship of evangelical
Theologians (FEET), die Theologische Commission der Weltallianz.
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society
JETS 42/4 (1999)
- Hesselgrave, David J.: Third millennium missiology and the use of Egyptian gold Missionswissenschaft, S. 577-589
- Wendland, Ernst R.: "The righteous live by their faith" in a holy God : complementary compositional forces and Habakkuk's dialoguewith the Lord, S. 591-628
- Mathewson, Mark D.: Moral intuitionism and the law inscribed on our hearts Römerbrief 2,14-15, S. 629-643
- Kruger, Michael J.: The authenticity of 2 Peter, S. 645-671
- Gilmour, Michael J.: 2 Peter in recent research : a bibliography, S. 673-678 [Ca. 120 selbständig und unselbständig erschienene Schriften, vorwiegend englisch]
- Seifrid, Mark A.: "The gift of salvation" : its failure to address the crux of justification, S. 679-688
European Journal of Theology
EuroJTh 8/2 (1999)
- Searle, David: The Cross of Christ 3 : justified and redeemed, Romans 3:24, S. 115-122
- Searle, David: The Cross of Christ 4 : satisfaction for sin, Romans 3:25-26, S. 123-132
- Rolland, Philippe: A new look at the synoptic question, S. 133-144
- Laughery, G.J.: Reading Jesus' parables according to J. D. Crossan and P. Ricoeur, S. 145-154
- Goheen, Mike: Toward a missiology of Western culture, S. 155-168
- Wenham, Gordon J.: Walter Brueggemann – an Old Testament theology for the new millennium?, S. 169-176
Evangelical Review of Theology
ERT 23/4 (1999)
- Editorial: The Third Millennium
- Richard V. Pierard, The Coming of the New Millennium: A Study in Evangelical Misunderstanding
- John Macquarrie, Ebb and Flow of Hope: Christian Theology at the End of the Second Millennium
- James Veitch, Christianity Facing a Third Era and a Third Millennium
- Stephen T. Hoke, Paradigm Shifts and Trends in Missions Training
- Leonardo De Chirico, The Biblical Jubilee
- Brian Edgar, A New Immortality?
ERT 24/1 (2000)
- Johan Candelin ,The Message of the Cross and the Cross of the Message
- WEF Religious Liberty Commission, 'By The Power Of Your Name' – The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
- Paul Marshall, Present Day Persecution of Christians
- John Roxborogh, Persecution: Interpreting the Information on the Internet
- France Quéré, The Unity of Martyrdom and Communion with Christ
- Joseph Tson, Towards a Modern Protestant Theology of Martyrdom
- Thorwald Lorenzen, Christian Faith and Human Rights
- Allison Howell, Reconciliation: a Reality or Simply Political Correctness
ERT 24/2 (2000)
- Ted Peters, Theology and Science: Where Are We?
- Rolf Hille, From Modernity to Post-Modernity: Taking Stock at the End of the Century
- Gordon R. Lewis, General Revelation Makes Cross-Cultural Communication Possible
- Eshetu Abate, The Church, Culture and Ethnicity: a Theological View
- John Roxborogh, Minority Christians in the Church History Curriculum
- Andrew M. Lord, Mission, the Bible and Israel-Palestine
- John Jefferson Davis, Ephesians 4:12 Once More: 'Equipping the Saints for the Work of Ministry?'
- James Chacko, Collection in the Early Church
aus: Evangelikale Theologie Mitteilungen - ETM 6/1 (2000)
Herausgeber: AfeT - Arbeitskreis für evangelikale Theologie
22.07.2000 |